The Wordsmith Celebrant + MC - Fun & Vibrant Marriage Celebrant in Perth, Western Australia.
Tailored Wedding Ceremonies for Your Perth Celebration - I got you!
Welcome there, you bloody legends - you made it!
Are you planning a wedding in Perth? In need of a Marriage Celebrant? Then fabulous! This is my little Marriage Celebrant corner of the World Wide Web, where a cuppa or a gin are just a short call away & the planning of one of the best days of your life is about to get started!
X Carina

About Carina

I’m Carina Quinn The Wordsmith Celebrant + MC based in gorgeous Perth, Western Australia. I'm 30 something, adventure loving, sun craving Perthian who has travelled the world in search of jungles, bright sparkly lights of overcrowded cities, beaches, tropical islands and just following the sun. I have finally come to live back in gorgeous Perth the town of my childhood and the perfect beaches.
I started talking in front of people as a trainer and coach many years ago and with a love of people, a huge sense of fun and a cheeky love of weddings, I discovered the beautiful art of creating ceremonies and helping couples celebrate their special day.
As a Marriage Celebrant I get to craft bespoke wedding ceremonies, which to me is the absolute BEST! What is even more AMAZING is getting to know the people behind those stories as to make all that magic happen. I’ve always loved weddings! The glitz – the glamour and all that LOVE. I’ve learned to be flexible and accommodating to each client’s unique needs and preferences but most of all learnt to infuse the fun into my wedding ceremonies. I look forward to meeting with you, learning your story and seeing if we click. If so it would be my utmost honour to be your Marriage Celebrant or as I like to call it - the voice over, time keeper and script writer of one of the best days of your life.
Personalised Wedding Ceremonies in Perth

Get In Touch
I love a good chat!!! Fill in your deets below or catch me on the socials to get the ball rolling on what's going to be an AMAZING and wild ride.
X Carina